Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Tortoise Fred emerges. It is this time for him. 
From what is to us something of a miracle - hibernation

5 months absence and then here he is again!

The felines consult and ultimately agree that no one deserves hydration therapy more than Fred.
- warm spa bath and hot towels - the lot!

..then forth into his Kingdom - the garden of bounty 

munching on the many natural delights..
striding across every inch of the walled garden reclaiming it for his own

While all is well with us here at Haven.
Things are far from well beyond. 
The world at large is in deep trouble.

... where you can, stay home. Rest. Exercise. Listen. Read books. Make art. Play games.
and learn new ways of being still  
Love to you
Keep Safe


  1. Welcome back Fred, enjoy your wonderful garden! All is okay here, strange, but okay.

  2. Fred, welcome back to the family and all of us. You are happy I know without asking because your family allows you exactly what you need. Darcy and Bingley...I still love you from all the way over here. XXXOOO

  3. What a happy boy Fred must be!

    Very good advice for getting through this.

  4. Seriously, I did not know they hibernate. How wonderful to have Fred back with you now that it's Spring. I see the boys were checking on him too.

    Hugs to you, Helen, and the furry lads,
    Brenda xox

  5. Awww hello Fred (and the boys) so lovely to see you out and about♥

  6. Hiya Fred! Nice to see you back from your hibernation. :)

    Things are daffy here, but we're going to be okay. Sending you all love, peace and good health. XO

  7. How is Fred nowadays? And the boys? They still have my heart.


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