Monday, 1 March 2010

Classic Bing shows us how

“The main thing to do is relax and let your talent do the work”
PS. I'm not fat, I'm just fluffy
(aren't I Denise?)


  1. You are very cute! And we can tell that you have a lot of floof!

  2. Bing, you are so fluffy!!! And we should know!!
    Love your photos, especially the full-on back pose with tummy facing the sky - that's the only way to be :-)
    D x

  3. We think we are in love with all your gorgeous mancat furs!!WOOHOO...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  4. You look Purrfect to me ^,,^

  5. Those napping poses are priceless! You'd take gold if the Cat-O-Lympics was still running! :-)

  6. You make it look so easy!

  7. Oh Bing, you do make me chuckle! Of course it's all fluff. Our Tinker says the same thing (she constantly has the "I've never been fed" look about her)! Relaxing in the Spring-like sun is what it's all about. Happy stretching and snoozing fluffy cat, Katie x
    P.S. What have you done with Darcy? Did he slope off somewhere else because you'd taken up all the best snoozing places?!

  8. You have no trouble relaxing, that's for sure!


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