Friday, 10 February 2012

bargain hunt

The Sue Ryder Hospice in Nettlebed holds a monthly sale in the grounds of its mansion. 
We always try to go because there are so many lovely bargains to be had, not to mention the good cause!

Usually we stop off at the Field Kitchen cafe for coffee first. 

 They do wonderful breakfasts and cakes and run a Deli.

It was bitterly cold at the sale, but it meant fewer people braved the weather and it was easier to see the lovely things on show. I bought books (4 for £2), some china and .... 

this wonderful Lloyd Loom Linen basket in a gorgeous green for £6.00.

Darcy playing peek-a-boo

On the bottom it had a date stamp of 5th July 1954.
Its quite rare to find a piece like this which hasn't been painted over with gloss. 

It snowed again last night, but in the morning the sun was out and the whole place sparkled.


"Life is like a blanket of snow.  Be careful how you step on it.  Every step will show"


  1. Darcy and Bingley, kisses on noses!

  2. That sounds like fun. The basket is almost as old as I am. lol ... Love the snow saying and the cat walking in the snow. My purrballs don't like getting it on their paws.

    Enjoy !!!

  3. Love your new basket! Everything looks beautiful covered in white, Darcy and Bingley are very brave to venture out in the deep snow :-)

  4. Oh my goodness that is a beautiful linen basket and what a great color...creamy green. It is in beautiful condition too. Good find indeed.
    The coffee picture is so pretty and tasty looking.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  5. What a gorgeous Lloyd Loom basket (glad that darcy also approves!!) The snow looks beautiful, we were meant to have 10 cms of it last night.. but woke up to rain! Have a lovely weekend. Lizziex

  6. Great laundry box- perfect place for a cat...when we had the hunt come through a while back Kit had disappeared and I got a bit worried, until I found her snugged up safe in the laundry box having opened the lid and crept in!

    Funny how our jollies always involve tea/coffee and cakes.

    Have a lovely w.e.- snow all gone here x

  7. Mom truly adores the linen basket - what a beautiful find! It's bittercold here aswell but so far we haven't had any snow - unlike the rest of the country.
    Purrs and a wonderful weekend,
    Siena & Chilli

  8. Darcy, that basket suits you! And Bingley, you look very intrepid in the snow!

    The Chans

  9. What a beautiful find! Love those roses and of course those darling pussy cats!

  10. Ohh, our Mommy does luf a good sale! Looks like you had a pawsome day and Darcy looks adorable in the basket. Haf a great weekend, furriends. xoxo

  11. Our mom just loves that linen basket!! She says here it would be called a hamper. We think it would be the purrfect place to hide!!

  12. Oh my!! Me and Charlie love that green linen basket - what a great find and bargain!! Oooh that coffee really looks yummy too!!

    Enjoy frolicking in the snow lovely Bingley and Darcy! Take care

  13. My mom just LOVE your mom´s green laundry basket bargin !
    And me I LOVE the photo on you out in the snow Bingley :)

  14. I love that photo of Bingley in the snow! How marvelous his paw prints are.

  15. That green basket sure is nice, but brrrrrrrr, that snow made my whiskers shiver!

  16. I love the basket. It's so pretty and precious. It sure is a great find!!

  17. Lovely hamper...I've had so many naughty kittie over the years that consider such things as artful scratching posts...hopeful your well mannered boys won't be so inclined!

  18. The basket is lovely and was a great find for your Mum. Keep your paws warm - our snow is melting today so we are feeling more cheerful.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  19. What a wonderful find that basket is! :)

    That snow looks SO cold. Stay warm, friends!

  20. Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley
    Please tell you Mom thank you for the Alex Fox site. Mom does indeed love guitar music!
    Hugs Madi

  21. We love that coffee, the snow and Darcy playing peek-a-boo!

  22. The storage basket is such a beautiful colour - looking especially lovely with a furry friend inside :-)


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