Friday, 17 February 2012

one of those moments

“No matter how long the Winter, Spring is sure to follow” 
- Proverb


Here I am, watching out for Spring..
I know it is impawtant to keep close to the earth and to be vigilant...

There is also something to be said for licking local grasses to assess how close Spring actually is..?

... select with care ...

.. like a fine wine... savour...

.. right to the end, life is a succession of moments, and this is all mine!
Spring isn't here yet, but I can smell it's on it's way!


  1. Lovely photos of your beautiful cats! I do believe you're right - Spring will be here soon and then my incident with the penicillin will be in the past!

  2. I love those pictures!!! Come on Spring, we're all waiting!

  3. winter has been so spring-like here in Michigan that I am afraid that Spring will be like summer!

  4. Bingley...I love how you look while you are in the process of savoring.
    Happy weekend to you, Mr. Darcy and your peeps.
    Hugs Madi

  5. Oh that PRECIOUS face! A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!

  6. We hope you are right, Bingley! We are tired of winter.

  7. MOL...Your face is brilliant expression : )

    PS : I'm heading to Winter !

  8. Oh, Bingley I think if you wait just a little longer you will find Spring is just around the corner:)

  9. I just came across your blog and, since I love cats, I decided to stop by.

    Your kitties are beautiful!!! Aren't they fun?? They do such goofy things that make you laugh :)

    We adopted 2 last year after we lost both of our other kitties last year within 5 months of each other. It was heartbreaking and I didn't want any more kitties but my husband talked me into it and I'm glad he did. Now, I laugh at these two instead of cry for my lost ones.

    They are both about 3 years old now and they play together so well. One is a male Flame Point Siamese and the other is a female Norwegian Forest Cat.

    Looking forward to seeing more on your blog :)

    1. Hello Colleen, I tried to stop by with you too, but couldn't seem to.. so here is my 'hello' in case you pop back. Lovely to meet you. Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  10. We are munching grass to help "rid" us of our winter coats! You are lucky you get to select such succulent bits.

  11. Bingley, I love your pictures. You look like a very happy fur ball and I love your face expression :-) Spring will come soon!!

  12. OMB Bingley!!!
    You´re so fluffy!

  13. Oh beautiful Bingley!! You are truly amazing!! Me and Charlie are so happy you feel that Spring is now in the air! Yay! Take care

  14. Bingley, you are looking quite handsome as always. We sure hope you're right ... we're ready for Spring, too :)

  15. Bingley you look so handsome. Like a white tiger.

  16. Bingley looks like he's having a whale of a time.Marmalade hasn't set foot out of the door for ages, she doesn't think spring is around the corner!

  17. Thanks everso for stopping by our bloggie and yours is a delight, too! Those grasses look very tasty and you look quite the Connoisseur of fine grasses!

  18. CUTENESSS!!!

    sweet kittys!!!!!
    (My Cat Miss Silkie is currently doing her very alarming meowing!!)
    Sam xx

  19. Hello Gorgeous boy
    Oh yes! There are times when we can smell the arrival of Spring - I hope it comes soon too!!
    Lovely photos and words :-)

  20. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I enjoyed it very much. What a beautiful cat you have. I love his name :-)!

    Happy evening, Madelief x

  21. I see you're wearing a leash. I can't stand that!! They tried with me, and I hated it. I'm jealous that you're outside, though.

  22. Spring certainly is on it's way. Lovely Bingley is so gorgeous!

  23. Oh Bingly we love the pictures of you savouring the thought of spring :-)


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