Tuesday 12 January 2010

Someday Syndrome

In a shameless display of determination I plan to overcome the ‘someday syndrome’, actually DOING things I always wanted to do and cherishing and concentrating my passions. Dreaming is, after all, accepting that things will never happen, which is an altogether less promising way of viewing ‘having a dream’, is it not?

So, here I am, opting for a ‘bugle’ approach to my dreams, throwing caution to the wind (you heard it here first!).

My dream list: (I haven’t included them ALL on account of setting the bar of achievement so high as to be unattainable – that’s the realist in me).

1. Somehow (a bit defeatist to begin with that word) have more land.
  i. so I can create a garden that has all my favourite designs, plants, a chicken and bee area
  ii. for Mr H and I to have a bespoke office in the grounds (with his and her areas that can be cluttered to our distinct tastes)

2. Learn to cook, so I can make sauces and do that ‘ Ready Steady Cook’ BBC programme thing, of conjuring delicious dishes out of a bag of rubbish (rather than the protracted, laboured cooking I do now that is far removed from domestic goddess as is possible. Also, it would be good to be able to move on from cutting my finger off, smearing myself with food stuff, swearing and the ‘bung in and hope’ school of cookery)

Now these next two are not really dreams. More activities to be undertaken this year and not left to next, and then the next. Importantly, they will give me a chance to share a lot with my parents and brother (a major ambition):

3. Help my parents clear their hordes of stuff (heaving garage and attic) and take a lead in selling it for/with them on Ebay so they can go on a cruise (this will in part, also double up as a computing lesson, they are doing their best to master their PC).

4. Research our family tree – and thereby hangs a tale – will tell you about that another time.

Voila, so there we are... only 4 things, with 12 months to achieve them. Having committed this to my blog for all to see (for once I am relieved to have so few followers!), I collect myself up and go now for some copious intakes of fresh air. Wish me luck.

... on Branscombe cliffs, Devon (pondering my dreams)


  1. Well the best way to realise dreams is to know what you want ~ so you are well on the way!

    I love the photo on Branscombe Cliffs (just a few miles from where I live). is that an old archive photo? Or were you there today?

    Jan (milo and alfie's mom)

  2. Wow those are great plans! My dad did a lot of family tree research when he was alive, so that is one thing I don't have to do. But the clutter, well, I have all the stuff from his house in storage to go through, so I know how tough that can be! As for the cooking, well that is just a matter of practice, and the land, well that I am all for - I would love a bigger place but we can't really expand where we are, land or buildingwise (it is a townhouse so it is pretty fixed). Good luck!!

  3. Hello dear
    I like your dream list. And have to say that they all sound very much attainable without too much difficulty. Okay, so the land probably means moving house - but guessing you've already foreseen that requirement - then go for it! The cooking and family stuff really not too tricky to accomplish. I know you'll disagree (!) but I always think that anyone who can follow instructions can cook - you just need the right cookbooks! :-)
    Lovely photo shot of you on the cliffs....
    Oh one final thing, then I'll shut up (!) - someday, some day has to be today!!!

  4. A blog of your own, without cats! Wait till Mom catches wind of this.

  5. Happy Weekend to you!
    I've awarded you a Sunshine Blog award over at my place - for bringing a ray of sunshine to my days and lots of inspiration too :-)
    Denise x


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